Teaching and Research Activity
Ashkelon Academic College, Department of Economics and Banking, Ashkelon, Associate Professor (2008 to the present).
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Economics, Jerusalem, Adjunct Lecturer, Industrial Organization, Economics and Law (1991-1994, 2007).
Israel Democracy Institute, Jerusalem (2004-2007), research in the structure of the supervisory authorities of the capital market in Israel.
Tel Aviv University, Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv, Senior Adjunct Lecturer, Finance and Financial Markets (1995-1997), 2000-2002).
Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Senior Adjunct Lecturer, the Israeli Economy and Financial markets (2000).
Tel Aviv University, Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Senior Adjunct Lecturer, Finance and Financial Markets (1997-1999).
Wesleyan University, Department of Economics, Middletown, Connecticut, Senior Adjunct Lecturer, Microeconomics, the Israeli Economy and Finance (1995, 1998).
Yale University, Department of Economics, New Haven, Connecticut, Adjunct
Lecturer, Financial Markets and Industrial Organization (1995, 1998).
Harvard University, Department of Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1984-1988), Teaching Fellow, Microeconomics, Investments, Sports Economics and the Israeli Economy.
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts (1984-1988), Research Fellow.
Committees and Public Positions
Member of the Committee for Inquiry HMO Meuhedet (2019).
Advisor to the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry as to the conduct of the financial
system in credit arrangements for large corporate borrowers.
Head of the Inter-Ministerial Committee in the Matter For preference of Local Products in Government Procurement (2014).
Member of the Committee for Exemptions and Mergers of the Antitrust Authority
Head of the Government Committee for calculating the cost of non-supply of electricity (2007).
Secretary, Israel Economic Association (1998-2000).
Head of the Government Committee for Setting Petroleum Marketing Margings (2001-2002).
Bank of Israel Representative at the Ministerial Committee for Privatization (1996-2000).
Referee for Economic Journals
Review of Economics and Statistics
Journal of Banking and Finance
Review of Industrial Organization
Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
International Review of Law and Economics
Oxford Economic Papers
Economics of Innovation and New Technology
Contemporary Economic Policy
Multinational Finance Journal
Energy Journal
Journal of Sports and Economics
Regulation and Governance
Maurice Falk Institute
Israel Economic Quarterly
Israel Economic Review
Academic Collaborations
Prof. Haim Ben-Shahar, Tel Aviv University
Prof. Asher Tishler, Tel Aviv University
Prof. Reuben Gronau, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Avi Ben-Bassat, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Motty Perry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. David Genesove, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Yishay Yafeh, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Ilan Kremer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Eytan Sheshinski, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Omer Moav, Reichman University
Dr. Hedva Ber, Bank of Israel
Dr. Yaniv Reingewertz, University of Haifa
Dror Strom, Tel Aviv Universit
Blass, A., Lach S. and C. Manski, (2010), “Using Elicited Choice Probabilities to Estimate Random Utility Models: Preferences for Electric Reliability,” International Economic Review. Vol. 51(2), pp. 421-440. Full Document
Blass A. and D. Carlton (2005), “The Choice of Organizational Form in Gasoline Retailing and the Costs of Laws Limiting that Choice,” in Franchise Contracting and Organization, F. Lafontaine (ed.) Edward Elgar Publishing. Full Document
Blass, A. and O. Yosha (2003), “Financing R&D in Mature Companies: an Empirical Analysis,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Vol. 12(5), pp. 425-447. Full Document
Ber, H., Blass, A. and O. Yosha (2002), “Monetary Policy in an Open Economy: The Differential Impact on Exporting and Non-Exporting Firms,” The Foerdler Institute for Economic Research, Tel Aviv University, Working Paper No. 2-2002. Full Document
Blass A. and D. Carlton (2001), “The Choice of Organizational Form in Gasoline Retailing and the Costs of Laws Limiting that Choice,” Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 511-524. Full Document
Blass, A. and R. Grossman (2001), “Assessing Damages of Israel’s Bank Shares Crisis,” Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. XIX, No.1, pp. 49-58. Full Document
Blass, A. and Y. Yafeh (2001), “Vagabond Shoes Longing to Stray – Why Foreign Firms List in the United States – Causes and Consequences,” Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 25, No.3, pp. 555-572. Full Document
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Blass, A. (2000), “The Reform of the Israeli Financial System and What Remains to be done,” Jerusalem Letter No. 427, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Full Document
Blass, A. and R. Grossman (1998), “Who Needs Glass-Steagall? Evidence from Israel’s Bank Shares Crisis and the Great Depression,” Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. XVI, No. 2, pp. 185-196. Full Document
Blass, A., Yafeh Y. and O. Yosha (1998), “Corporate Governance in an Emerging Market: The Case of Israel,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 79-89. Full Document
Blass, A. (1996), “The Israeli Economy – The Challenge and the Promise,” Israel in the New Century, American Enterprise Institute. Full Document
Read the articleBlass, A. and R. Grossman (1996), “Financial Fraud and Banking Stability: The Israeli Bank Crisis of 1983 and Trial of 1990,” International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 461-472.Full Document
Blass A. (1992), “Does the Baseball Labor Market Contradict the Human Capital Model of Investment?” Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 74(2), pp. 261-68. Full Document
Blass A. and H. Raiffa (1987), “Computer Program for Investigating the Efficient Solutions to Two-Party Multiple-Issue Negotiations,” Harvard Business School 87-029. Full Document
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בלס, א. וע. יושע (2001), “הרפורמה במערכת הפיננסית בישראל וזרמי הכספים של חברות התעשייה הנסחרות בציבור”, ממעורבות הממשלתית לכלכלת שוק המשק הישראלי 1985-1998, קובץ מחקרים לזכרו של מיכאל ברונו, עורך אבי בן בסט, עם עובד, המכון למחקר כלכלי בישראל על שם מוריס פאלק 2001. למאמר
בלס, א. (1999), “חוזים כחסמי כניסה בשיווק דלק לתחנות תדלוק”, רבעון לכלכלה 1999/1 עמ’ 48-22. למאמר
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